Husk Bedding - the world’s best horse bedding. We believe.

Husk Bedding was born in 2019. Being a Horse Trainer, Founder of Husk Bedding, Chavez Selvaratnam was looking for alternative bedding for his horses. Wood shavings in the United Arab Emirates had become very low in quality with plenty of dust, spores, and proved to be unhealthy. Chavez was looking for an alternative, and this came in the form of a Coconut. Husk Bedding is made from Coconuts. It is truly amazing what can be done by re-engineering natures produce to suit what humans and animals may need.

After 2 years of research, product trialing, and testing, Husk Bedding was born - and born being dust free, hyper-absorbent, 100% biodegradable, and end to end sustainable as a product.

Dust free was a big point. Many Animal beddings, horse beddings, and wood shaving companies claim to be dust free, but once you put wood shavings under any pressure, they fall apart and leave small particles – Dust.

Husk Bedding is a horse bedding that does not have any dust. It thrives under pressure, cleans itself with its anti-bacterial properties, and leaves no smell of ammonia when urinated on.

What can possibly be better for your horses than Husk?


A win for Celtic Voyager, Mohammad Mardood, and Husk Bedding!